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Goodbye 2023


I can't say that I'm that sad to say goodbye to 2023. That said, it's been a good year for The Boundary in it's first full year of trading and we've seen some lovely things happen over the last 12 months.

We built a deck out of the cafe area which has been really well received and is a great place to sit when the sun is out. It is especially enjoyed by the cycling fraternity for which we've become a preferred place to stop and refresh.

We've hosted numerous 'pop ups' with the amazing Duck Pie Supper Club and the Bourne Valley Supper Club which have proved really popular.

Our Boundary family of staff has seen very few changes in the 12 months we've been up and running. The team has worked really hard to get to know all the new systems and processes that we've put in place and continue to deliver great customer service with smiling faces and grace. We've brought lovely Larysa into our fold, who works in the kitchen Thursday through to Sunday. Larysa arrived in the UK from Ukraine in April, having to flee her home and leave her son behind. She spoke very little English when she arrived but has become a fantastic addition to our little band. The rest of the staff have loved helping her with her English and she has come on leaps and bounds.

Our weekend band of youngsters has stayed strong. The older ones have come and gone, replaced by the next generation. Being able to employ the young is a joy for The Boundary. It is often their first job and it's a privilege to introduce them to the working world.

In 2023 we sold 22,741 hot drinks; 2,960 cold drinks; 9,004 slices of cake; 1,393 bacon baps and 962 ice cream cones.

So, maybe, in respect to The Boundary, 2023 has been a good year. We started it with very little knowledge of running a cafe and all things considered, don't think we've done too bad a job. There is, obviously, room for improvement, which we will continue to strive to perfect - but we've worked hard, together, to make this little corner of the parish a successful community hub. We are very proud of what we've achieved and are looking forward to serving you in 2024.

So Happy New Year, lovey peeps. Thank you so much for your custom and for making The Boundary the lovely warm, friendly place that it has become. Wishing you love, light and happiness in 2024..... see you on the other side.

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